Saturday, March 18, 2006

Down for maintenance; and why Ice Cube had it right…

Apologies for those of you who, like myself, were unable to access the blog for the last couple of days. I know the panic that this must have caused, but please file any claims for emotional damage against and not against the Maradona.

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That’s part of the reason why I’m late with the Ramble this week. There are two others. Let’s start with the bad news.

The police finally got their act together and went to Mozambique to get my car back. They had a car to get there, a driver to bring the other car back, fuel; everything they needed. Well, almost everything. The bright sparks somehow forgot to first contact the Mozambicans and let them know that they’d be coming and could they please have the car ready?

You can guess the rest. They arrived in Mozambique, remembered that they had to apply for the release of the car, did so, ran out of money and came back here empty handed. They have to return next week, or whenever the release forms are signed.

Ice Cube said it best. Since this is a family Ramble, I’ll merely link
it, with the warning that those under sixteen should really shy away from it.

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The good news is that the other cause for the tardy post is entirely positive. I’ve spent the week drafting and redrafting a proposal paper for our Joint Assistance Strategy, and this afternoon finally sent it out to a selection of Government officials and donor agency chaps for comments. Once its broadly acceptable, it goes to the Cabinet for approval, which is rather exciting.

On top of that, I also just finished drafting a speech for our Minister of Finance for delivery at a meeting I’m attending on Monday morning. It will be interesting to see how much improvisation he allows himself. It’s not the first speech I’ve written here, having drafted one for the President a few weeks ago, but it’s the first one I’ve drafted and been able to watch the delivery of.

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Lastly, I finally saw a couple of African Paradise Flycatchers in my garden. There were two, a male and a female, absolutely stunning birds.

A week of important meetings awaits, so next week I’ll Ramble at a bit more length.

Tsalani bwino.